Sunday, 1 June 2014

A peek at my week


I'm linking up with Mrs Laffin's Laughings for a peek at my week!

I'm back to school after half term not quite ready for the 7 1/2 weeks that lie ahead of me... I'm already kicking myself for not getting more school work done during this week off - I'm sure I'm going to regret it even more as the weeks crawl by!

There are 2 things I'm looking forward to and 2 things I an NOT looking forward to this week. I'll start with the negatives and end with the positives!

Reports: This is the main thing I should have been doing during my week off and exactly what I should be doing right now! 2 A4 sides per child (I have 29 children) means 58 pages of report writing to be done. I HAVE to get on with it this week and do a few each night...wish me luck! 
Anyone else still tackling theirs?

Testing: This is the week we have to do our end of year tests. Reading comprehension, writing and maths. To be honest, I'm not sure a lot of my class are ready for them yet and I worry the results won't show just how much they have learnt this year and how far so many of them have come. Still, at least by Friday, most of the testing will be done and I won't have to worry about it anymore!

Bubbly Maths: This IS something I am looking forward to this week. On Tuesday we have a bubbly maths workshop and will be playing with bubbles and learning maths with Simon the Maths Clown! It should be a lot of fun (I'll let you know!).

Thaumatropes: In my Five for Friday post, I talked through my ideas for our animation unit of work this half term. This week we will be making thaumatropes and I know my class are going to have great fun doing it!

So, that's a peek at my week. I'm off to write some of those reports now... (probably)

Whatever you're doing, have a good week!

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  1. So glad you linked up this week! If your summer vacation doesn't start for 7 1/2 more weeks, how long is your break? We go back September 2nd. I'm just curious how it is done in other countries.

    I hope your report writing goes by quickly. Have a great week!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. We're back on September 2nd too. We get (almost) 6 weeks break for summer, 2 for christmas, 2 for easter and 3 one week holidays in the middle of each term. Those 6 weeks fly by far too quickly!

      Thanks for the report writing support - it's not going so well at the moment...!
