Hooray! It's time for a fantastic
where you can pick up some great freebies to help your students or own children keep on learning over the Summer break!
If you saw my post a few months back on
Adventures in Literacy Land, you will know that I LOVE learning grids and use them in all subjects whenever I can!
Click the image to link to my learning grids post |
I saw
Steve Bowkett speak about using learning grids in the classroom and have been making them ever since. He was so inspiring and realistic about the challenges teachers face in the classroom when it comes to engaging children and getting reluctant writers writing!
I loved the idea of using learning grids full of images to create zig zag stories with the children. My freebie for you includes: a zig zag story grid for older children based around a fantasy theme; a writing frame for recording stories created; a list of sentence openers and connectives that could be used as a prompt and a blank grid which could keep children busy for hours as they draw and create their own story boards to play with!
Here is how to use the grid:
1. You start in the top left box and roll a dice (or twirl a spinner!)
2. Move that number of spaces and use the image you land on to start your super story
3. Roll again, or have a partner roll the dice and move to the next square
4. Use this image to tell and move your story on
5. Encourage the use of lots of different time connectives (then, after a while, an hour later, that night...) or sentence openers (As quick as a flash... Jumping back in surprise....Terrified beyond belief....Luckily....)
6. Carry on rolling and zigzagging across the grid until you get to the end!
There is so much potential in using these to develop fantastic story vocabulary and ideas, stimulate imagination, inspire great writing and improve speaking and listening skills.
Children could use them independently but I always think they are better when used in pairs - it's more challenging to pick up where someone else leaves off and way more funny!
Click to download your freebie:
I hope that using these over the break helps prevent the summer slide and keeps those little minds active!
Now it's time for the
and for you, that means heading on over the the lovely Lauren at Teacher Mom of Three for another great writing prompt!
Enjoy your hop!