Sunday, 3 May 2015

May Currently


I'm a little late linking up still wanted to join in with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade with Currently this month...Better late than never!

Here we go:

Listening: I have seen the first season but now have the box set of seasons 1-4 so wanted to refresh my memory before binging on the rest. Throughly enjoying it all over again!

Loving: That I can be a little lazy today because tomorrow is a bank holiday! 

Thinking: My school usually supplies a planner each year but I'm taking on a new role next year so I won't need exactly the same as I would usually have. I'm searching for alternatives...

Wanting: This is self explanatory - rotten cold!

Needing: So much to do. And we still have until July 21st until we break up for our summer break. It seems so far away!

Summer: I AM going to get into good exercise habits this summer (and hopefully before). I think I have decided on Montenegro for a summer holiday this year and am now busy researching! It is just a dream but I would love my house to magically redecorate itself (including new furniture) this summer!

I'm off to check out what everyone else is up to now. Thanks Farley for hosting!